ONETECH engineering

ONETECH is a business with more than 25 years of history, which constantly evolves and improves its infrastructure – marketing, interaction services, product development, commercial and technical support.
ONETECH engineering is a team of experienced engineers, designers, planners, technical specialists and project managers who, together with the world’s leading engineering companies, realize projects of any level in the field of surface preparation and painting, as well as provide production consulting and personnel training.
ONETECH is an expert in:
Consulting and project goal setting:
Our team of experienced engineers, designers, project developers, technologists and project managers, together with the world’s leading engineering companies, implement projects of any complexity, as well as provide production consulting and personnel training.
Technical solution development
We develop solutions of any complexity, taking into account individual characteristics of each client, and using advanced technology from leading equipment suppliers. Technical drawings and schemes of the equipment installation are provided at the customer’s production area as well.
Project optimization
Project’s cost optimisation is provided, and the best financing scheme is chosen together with the client.
Project management
ONETECH engineering manages and leads the project from the first contact with the client, including meetings and visits to the production facility, supervision and management of the development process, technical solution coordination and introduction into production, all the way to the launch of the equipment and training of personnel.
For projects of any level, a complete set of equipment, tools, spare parts and consumables is supplied.
The solutions can include:
- Spraying and drying booths of all sizes and types;
- Automated painting machines and paint lines;
- Preparation and painting stations;
- Shot blasting machines and chambers;
- Conveyor systems;
- Sanding benches;
- Ventilation and centralized dust extraction systems;
- Humidification systems;
- Pneumatic, airless and combined painting equipment;
- Electrostatic spraying equipment;
- Manual and automatic spray guns;
- Grinding tools;
- Spare parts and consumables for all supplied equipment;
- Other equipment according to the technical solution.
ONETECH engineering has its own range of equipment and consumables for surface preparation and painting – ONETECH tools. The company also maintains reliable partnerships with equipment suppliers around the world.
The variety of supplied equipment allows to solve any tasks within the framework of developed projects.
Installation and launch
ONETECH engineering specialists provide professional qualified support during the installation of the equipment.
All employees undergo regular advanced training regarding the installation, operation and maintenance of supplied equipment, including training centres and suppliers’ production sites.
Installation and launch of complex equipment is carried out in the presence of the manufacturer’s representative, who provides technical and expert support for the most efficient and rapid installation of the equipment.
Expertise, knowledge and experience of ONETECH engineering specialists ensure the successful implementation of the developed solution.
Service and maintenance
ONETECH engineering offers warranty and after-sales service for surface preparation and painting.
The company holds dealer agreements and certificates of equipment manufacturers, which include service and technical support of the clients.
Specialists of ONETECH engineering service team are trained to perform effective work related to maintenance, repair and adjustment of supplied equipment. Together with constant skill improvement, they arecertified at the suppliers’ trainings as well.
ONETECH engineering also provides a rapid supply of spare parts and consumables for the installed equipment necessary for maintenance and in-service.
The company works with:
- Furniture industry enterprises;
- Steelwork manufacturers;
- Repair and industrial car painting facilities;
- Commercial vehicle manufacturers;
- Agricultural and heavy machines’ manufacturers;
- Railroad rolling stock manufacturers and repair shops;
- Military production industries.